Love is a journey - let's navigate it together

What Couples Cooking Together Reveals About Relationships

Most people think couples cooking together is just a fun activity. But what if I told you it’s actually a test of your relationship?One person takes charge, directing every move. Another withdraws, becoming the passive assistant.Small criticisms—“That’s not how you...


couples cooking together

Why Relationships Feel Hard (And How to Shift the Cycle)

We’re taught how to drive a car before getting behind the wheel. We take lessons, practice, stall out, and eventually learn how to navigate the road. But when it comes to love, no one teaches us how to have a healthy relationship. And so, we wing it. We rely on...


why relationships feel hard

Emotionally Intelligent Relationships: 7 Principles for Love

Healthy relationships thrive on emotional intelligence. Emotionally intelligent relationships have deep connections, reduce stress, and enhance well-being. On the other hand, emotionally distant or high-conflict relationships can lead to frustration, loneliness,...


My Partner Had an Affair: A Guide to Betrayal Trauma Recovery

When you first discover my partner had an affair, time seems to freeze. Those five devastating words change everything in an instant. If you've recently learned your partner had an affair, you're likely experiencing overwhelming emotions and searching for answers....


my partner had an affair

Why Do Couples Have the Same Fight Over and Over?

Many of my clients ask me: "Why do couples have the same fight over and over?" It's one of the most common questions I hear in my practice, and for good reason. Whether it's about dishes, finances, or emotional needs, most couples are trapped in recurring conflicts...